Trio Tips – Summer Holiday Checklist - Trio Healthcare

Having a stoma should certainly not stop you from enjoying going on holiday whether at home or abroad. There’s no reason why you can’t sunbathe in swimwear, take a dip in the pool, go hiking or do any activity you choose – it’s about having confidence in your products, knowing your bag is secure and being prepared.

When planning a trip away, particularly abroad, it’s important to be prepared and plan for you trip. Make sure you’ve got enough ostomy supplies and that you pack them across both hand and hold luggage if you’re flying. If you’re travelling with other people it may also be worth popping some supplies in their luggage just in case. We’ve put together a holiday checklist to help you start off packing.

To read the full A4 printable factsheet, please follow this link.

Published: 23rd July 2019
