Stop leaks - Trio Healthcare

Trio Pearls® super absorbent gelling and odour control sachet

Output from your stoma may vary in consistency over the course of days and weeks which can be entirely normal. The type of output you have can also be a direct result of foods you are eating or medication you are taking. It can also be dependant on the type of stoma you have a colostomy or ileostomy. Having an ileostomy may mean you experience more liquid output.

Dealing with liquid output can be challenging for a number of reasons. Liquid output is more likely to cause leaks and sore skin. Liquid output can also compromise the effectiveness of the filter. Higher output can also mean more frequent bag emptying which can be inconvenient, often ostomates experience broken sleep waking to empty their bag through the night. Finally having a full bag can be uncomfortable impacting confidence to go out, complete exercise or deciding what to wear.

Trio Pearls®

Are you worried about leaking, odour or output ‘sloshing’ arround in your stoma bag?

Trio Pearls® super absorbent gelling crystals offer control over your stoma. Trio Pearls® turn liquid output into a gel, which reduces the risk of leaks and noise, providing you with your security and comfort when it’s needed most. Giving you the confidence to get back to being active, get back to a busy schedule and enjoy a good night’s sleep without the worry of leaks.

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