With the New Year comes new plans to eat more healthily, particularly after many of us have over indulged over the festive period. In our latest fact sheet, we take a look how to eat well for both you and your stoma.
However hard we try to stay fit and eat healthy, often hunger or convenience can take over and cause us to make unhealthy food choices. It’s often thought that healthy meals are time consuming or fiddly to prepare, however there are plenty of quick, healthy recipes out there both online and across the multitude of recipe books available.
When you add having a stoma to this it can seem overwhelming to work out what you can and can’t eat whilst making healthy choices. One thing to note is that there is no list of “banned” foods for ostomates, for the first few months after surgery you need to be careful while your bowel recovers however after the healing period it’s up to you what you eat and drink. Everyone will react differently to foods so don’t be put off by other’s stories.
Read the full A4 printable factsheet here.
Published: 14th January 2020
