Logan had his stoma surgery just weeks before his seventh birthday. We chatted to his Mum, Kirsty, about what life has been like and how finding the right products has filled them both with confidence for the future.

“Logan started having problems from birth”
By the time Logan was three months old we knew something was wrong. He had intolerances to baby milk and suffered with colic and reflux. We tried various different formulas, including lactose-free, and tried cycling his legs and baby massage to relieve his severe constipation. Things settled down for a bit but eventually we needed stronger meds to keep on top of things.
Logan began experiencing pain no toddler should have to deal with. He was afraid to go to the toilet which was affecting him at nursery and that’s when he went in for tests. He was put under general anaesthetic several times to be tested for Hirschsprung’s Disease and Spina Bifida, but we never ended up with a proper diagnosis. He was going into hospital every couple of months having enemas and was still only three years old.
“Everybody kept saying it was psychological”
Logan was placed on Peristeen® and we started doing anal washouts. Mentally, he found it really difficult, especially when we realised it wasn’t working. We were then referred to Great Ormond Street Hospital who were brilliant. We met a lovely consultant who agreed with us that this wasn’t a psychological problem and insisted on manometry tests to determine if Logan’s bowels were working properly.
The result was quite revealing! 25cm of Logan’s sigmoid colon wasn’t contracting at all, meaning it was impossible for his body to naturally push waste out of the rectum. We carried on with the washouts for a bit and had numerous discussions about the best procedures until finally, after lockdown, we decided a stoma was Logan’s best chance of a normal life.
“Mummy, my stoma has really changed my life”
Logan was in hospital for about a week and was discharged the day before his 7th birthday. He’s done brilliantly well considering he has lots of sensory issues too. It was really tough going back to school as he’s missed so much already. But school have been amazing at supporting him and us – one teacher in particular helps him to change his bag and when his friend asked him if he had a big plaster stuck on his tummy he proudly exclaimed, ‘No! It’s a stoma!”.
The stoma has been life changing for the whole family. We felt for a long time like we were on this journey of trying to find out what was wrong with Logan, and it was really draining having that hanging over your head and always being in hospital. We could never plan ahead because we never knew what was going to happen. The washouts were horrible and managing the emotional impact on Logan was so tough, but the stoma is managing that for us now. He stays on an even keel and isn’t upset all the time. Now, when I say, ‘Logan, would you rather have washouts or a stoma?’, he says, ‘A stoma!’
“These bags aren’t great Mummy, they’re amazing!”
When Logan was first discharged, we were just given whatever stoma bags they had in the cupboard and some adhesive removal sprays which smelt awful. We soon realised there is a whole world of choice out there and started doing our own research. I knew it was going to take a bit of trial and error, so I ordered samples from several different suppliers until we found the perfect one – the Genii™ stoma bag from Trio.
Logan had struggled with all the other stoma bags we tried. They just fell off or were so itchy or irritating that he’d just pull them off. Straight away, these Genii™ bags were so different! They’ve made a positive impact on all of us. Skin problems are resolved. We have complete confidence they aren’t going to fall off and Logan has even been able to start swimming at school with the other children without having to worry about his stoma bag. I would recommend them to anyone.
We also use the Elite® adhesive remover spray (which thankfully doesn’t smell weird!) the Elisse® barrier spray and the Genii™ Ostomy Seals. These are great because the seals just stretch over his stoma really easily so Logan can do it himself without asking for help. We saw such an immediate difference to the skin around his stoma I knew I could send him back into school with complete confidence.
About the author: Kirsty is a part-time PA to a neuropsychologist. She lives in Banbury with her husband and two boys, Reuben, aged 4, and Logan, aged 7. We will always do everything we can to help ostomates share their stories. If you’d like to become one of our guest bloggers, please get in touch.